
Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Stanford university

Hi and welcome

for the past term where been doing this maths website from Jo Boaler and they talk about brain mined set and there the sick lesson we have been learning about a fix mine sit which where you never give up but a set mine set when you don't know the answer you give up. there where was some weird staff like a girl lost have of here brain. some times they went in public ask people a maths quieten and then they talk about  how the got the answer.

Do you like maths

Thanks for coming 
 Image result for jo boaler math website

PBL main artefact

Hi and welcome

This term we have been doing PBL on the future and we made a city in minecraft with the things we need to have in the future like food farms, tree farms these are the two things that we losing. then we made a pole bear thing because clement changes and a hotel thing for people two live there because the have not much money. and a sky scraper for power and it has soler panel.

Do like playing minecraft

Thanks for coming
Image result for minecraft

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

PBL sud artfact

Hi and welcome

For PBL we have a main artefact and two suds artefact and we did a poster and pamphlet which has infotainment on it and tall what my group did. The poster had staff we did this term  and it had my group many poster on it colours and and it was the same with the pamphlet.

Do do PBL at your school

Thanks for coming     

Friday, September 20, 2019

PBL invite

Hi and welcome

it's coming close to the end of the term and we have been working on lot's of like lot's of people playing minecraft. So we are having a day where show are work and all about the future. There where lot's of cool things going on in the HUD this past two week.

what do you think the future will look like

Thanks for coming

Tuesday, September 17, 2019


Hi and welcome

This term we have been learning about the 4 sacraments and me,Arie and Joey got in a group and we a video on recalcitrance and we do a little play and we got to use the green screen room which put a background after you filmed your video which we did.

The video was like were walk on the green screen then we walk into the priest and he started talking about how reconsecration is good and I work off and Arie stays and talk to the priest and the thing fished

Do you do R.E

Thanks for coming       

Monday, September 16, 2019


Hi and welcome

For this last weeks we have been working on PBL and my group we building a future city and we are building it on minecraft which will be fun to make. We will be be making a flyer to when you come you can take a way. The question was for my group was what will cities need to include in the future.

What do you think we need in the future

Thanks you for coming        Image result for future city

Thursday, September 12, 2019


Hi and welcome

For this term we have been doing science and be going to the four ailments which e did some thing every stain and did it in afternoon after lunch. My Favourite stain was building the dirge and where come 1st which was cool. But on to the really to peck me and Arie got in to a pair and a haaron but we had know time to do an experiment so the teachers had or ready done. But what where going to do was got blowing water then put a balloon with a cod then the balloon will go in side out.

what do you like about science

Thank you for coming           Image result for science

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

rugby sat

Hi and welcome

On Saturday in winter I play rugby for Linwood and we have been winning a lot but are really first game we won and we lost 2 game this year and that was by same team. Are half back has scored lost of try's and he is fast a lighting and hard like rock. are back line really good like are forward pack is good and I play hooker some time lock and prop. This year are team come 2 out lot's of team.

what sports do you play

Thanks for coming to my blog     Image result for rugby kids

Tuesday, September 10, 2019


Hi and welcome

We got books to read this term and I had 2much4u which was a good book to read there was lots cool things he did and a he had to make money for his mum car he broke/blew up and went to go try win a new car for his mum. I realy liked this book a lot and there where more of the book but different.

what's your Favorited book   

Thanks for coming
Image result for 2much4u