
Monday, December 16, 2019

pool day

Hi and welcome

every year our school goes to a pool for fun and we pay there and have fun and this year went to waltham pool and there is a hydroslide and we got to have a long play in the pools and the year 5/6 and 7/8 went and there other people there. we where there for half of the day and the there half was at school. all the year groups had to rotate for turn on the hydroslide and the day was really fun   

do you like swimming 

thanks for coming
Image result for waltham pool

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

my mihi

hi and welcome

there is a thing in my cluster where you to 3 or more blogs a week and then people get paid to comment onto your blog and this is throw the holidays and there was a teaser
and and one of the task s the task was a mihi and I did it that.

have you made a mihi

thanks for coming